Production Blog: Music Finalized

    Hello Blog, today we are finding music and gaining permission in order to use it. I am going to search on YouTube for accessible music. Looking on YouTube allows me to find unknown compositions. It also allows me to quickly gain permission as emails are associated in the YouTube Channels. I am searching for suspense background music.

    The reason for searching suspenseful, is because I believe it would be the best fit. It would cover the general horror/eery feeling of certain scenes. As well as covering action scenes. I have found a playlist of different compositions. It is a mixture of multiple artists. 

    One artist has majority of the music though. That is who I am going to send the email confirmation to. To make sure the music fits well I played scenes with it playing. I enjoyed the tone and how well it fit. With this in mind, I send the email.
    I told the artist my first name, and what I was seeking. This allows me to get to the point fast and explain what I want without seeming suspicious. I also stated that this is for school. This allows the artist to know that I am not trying to use their music for profit. Finally, I sent it and received an appealing reply.

