My Pitch Blog
Hello blog, today I am making my pitches for my final task. The first pitch is, people investigating a murder, but does that mean the murderer isnt among them? My second pitch is, a night walk goes south, someone is following but is that a mascot?
I would be interest in making the first pitch a film because of its mystery. The film would have certain clues that would match someone that is investigating themself. Those clues would eventually add up and then someone would get an idea but the idea would not be official. The mystery would run for the whole film but for the beginning it would be shown so the whole film it would be a cat chase. The only reasons I would not be interested in making this film is how bland it might be. The film would be around one major chase and that chase would run for the whole film. At some point it may look like its being runned on.
I would be interested in making the second pitch becauseof its suspense. The suspesne would create a sense of exhiliration for the audience. The fact the character thats creating the suspense is a mascot also creates a sense of humor. The mascot would be something ironic or humorous that would either make the audience laugh or be more creeped. I only would really be uninterested by the simplicity of the film. The film would follow a generic horror or suspense layout that many other films follow. This would make it easier to make althought.
People investigate a murder, but does that mean the murderer is not among them? I chose this pitch because of the possible ways I could approach this, as well as the times this can be shot at, the second pitch would only be able to be shot around night time.
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