Production Blog: Camera,Lights,Action!

Time To Put in The Work!   

 Hello blog, I was finally able to do it! I was able to record the first part of scenes for the music video. The first part goes from scene one to nine, and I am very proud of how it came out. The actress of the girl in my video performed very well and went beyond the vision I had. This is not a bad thing, rather it makes everything better!

    I began right away to positioning the camera to include both tree one and two. The actress helped a bit as well with finalizing the angle and shot which was very helpful and needed. After we finished the scene, we moved on for the over shoulder scene which we did in one take! The next scene was the zoom in scene when the actress stops. This scene took a couple of takes.

    The main problem with doing this scene was trying to position the camera right. If we did not position the camera right, the actresses face would not be able to be seen properly. This was a big issue because without the emotion of the actress being seen, the viewers would not understand the atmosphere. The scene also which would not be enjoyable, so we eventually fixed this. After a bit of trial and error, the scene was then taken settled, the zoom in speed was perfect and we settled to just focus on the lighting rather than the lamppost being included.

    Finally, we then recorded the scenes that are more revolving around the boy character. The first scene of this is the scene where the boy is spying on the girl from a hiding place. Of course, after the revision in the last blog, the scene was easier and came out very well. The next scene also came out well on the first take, which was of the girl  turning away. The last scenes that were done was the boy traversing throughout the house, which we did revise but may be removed later, still it came out pretty well.


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