Production Blog: Heads Up

     Hello blog, there is something I need to tell you. There was a slight issue during the filming. The listed actor, Mike Aguilar had to leave around halfway of making the video. He was in town, and I decided to include him. Of course, this was before I found out he'd leave.

    In turn, I decided to include my dad. He is around the same age as my neighbor and also had similar clothing. I dressed him similarly, gave him every detail. The only trouble was telling him the lines. I wont get into it but it took awhile.

    I then took after we left off with my neighbor. I shot every scene. Some scenes although I did reshoot. This was generally for experimenting the different angles. I also wanted to attempt different shots.

    I did the shots until sundown. This allowed for a very nice ending shot with the setting sun. I thanked my dad for the help of course. I wish this did not need to happen although. It does not look that bad but it definitely is a change.


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