Production Blog: The Great Reset
Hello blog, I come here with sad news. I have just realized that I did the entire video wrong. What I did was have the credits in the end and beginning. The proper way was to have the credits throughout the entire video. I am going to have to re-edit the entire video.
Before I start inserting the new credits, I have to remove some of the clips. These clips include the clips I used for the intro credits and outro. Once I removed them I had to resize the background music. I snipped the music to fit exactly without the intro and end credits. I then inserted a scene I had removed.
The scene I had sadly removed before due to it causing the video to go over two minutes. With it re-inserted, I balanced all the clips. Now the video is more balanced. The next step is to begin putting the credits. I have to make sure the credits are put throughout the video.
As I am putting the credits throughout, I am adding a couple new transitions. I added a couple of "dissolve" transitions. They are similar to the fading transitions I added too. They are more smooth to me although. With this, I have redone the entire video successfully.
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