Planning Blog: Lets Plan This Out!

What I'm Gonna Do

    As said before in my last blog, the song I am going to do a video for is Everlong. First things first, the props that I am going to use. I am most definitely going to use my instruments, such as my guitars and drum set. I am also most likely going to incorporate some kind of different object which I havent decided what yet. The object would be reoccuring, appearing repeatedly throughout the video, it could be as simple as a banana. 

    The location of the video would change, but I am going to most likely start it off at my house, then move around to different places that have a scenery I would either like to try or use. On my street, there is a lamp post I definitely want to incorporate. The lamp post is the only one that turns on in my street, and I believe it would perfectly give the atmosphere I am going for. I might go to a park aswell, or somewhere with a vast field. This area would appear maybe two or three times, and I hope to have the instruments appear there.

    I am going to try to get most of this done in one week, or two weeks. The production days would be spread out within the week, most likely two or four days. This will give me room to spend full days on figuring out if I want to continue with a certain shot, or change it for another, as well as my editing process. I also want a day in the week to just relax and talk to the actors I am thinking of including, and see what they think of the video. Overall, the scheduling might be tough, but if I am able to plan it accordingly, everything should go smoothly.

    But what if it doesnt all go smoothly? Well, my first back up plan is to rewrite my vision, and try to go for another approach on the song. This will help me see if there is an easier and quicker way to have people experience the atmosphere of the song through the video. Worse case scenario, I will just have to change the song. I have other options that are just as good, such as The Adults Are Talking, which give off a similar feeling, and is somewhat similar in genre type. This video will be made, and I am very much hoping it is made to my expectations, of course this all relys on myself.



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